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  • Phosphoproteins in extracellular vesicles as candidate markers for breast cancer
    2017-03-22 查看詳情
  • Whole-genome landscape of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours.
    2017-03-13 查看詳情
  • Guide to cancer early diagnosis from WHO
    2017-02-04 查看詳情
  • High throughput T cell receptor sequencing reveals distinct repertoires
    2017-01-06 查看詳情
  • Massive dysregulation of genes involved in cell signaling and placental development in cloned cattle conceptus and maternal endometrium
    2017-01-06 查看詳情
  • Dissecting Immune Circuits by Linking CRISPR-Pooled Screens with Single-Cell
    2017-01-06 查看詳情
  • Distinct patterns of somatic genome alterations in lung adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas
    2016-09-05 查看詳情
  • Genome-wide association meta-analysis in Chinese and European individuals identifies ten new loci associated with systemic lupus erythematosus
    2016-09-05 查看詳情
  • Rare disruptive mutations and their contribution to the heritable risk of colorectal cancer
    2016-09-05 查看詳情
  • Coming of age: ten years of next-generation sequencing technologies
    2016-09-05 查看詳情
  • The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes
    2016-09-05 查看詳情
  • Resolving early mesoderm diversification through single-cell expression profiling
    2016-09-05 查看詳情
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